Profile balancing refers to the process of using derma fillers to create the perfect symmetrical alignment of the facial features. As one of the most effective treatments to aesthetically rebalance the profile, it typically involves chin augmentation, non-surgical rhinoplasty and lip enhancements. It also most commonly involves the process of realigning a back-set chin to correct its ratio to the nose and lips.
In a lot of cases, the chin may be quite proportionately smaller to the nose and surrounding facial features. This can have the effect of making the nose appear more prominent. Chin augmentation, a part of profile balancing, works to alter this disproportion with the use of dermal filler injections to make the chin more visibly substantive. Having a harmonious balance between the chin and nose is the vital key to facialprofiling.
Non-surgical rhinoplasty works on the central feature of the face, being the nose. Using facial filler injections such as Juvéderm, naturally enhances the appearance of the nose in ratio to the other facial features. When injected into specific areas of the nose, it re-contours the area and gives structure to the disproportionate or misshapen parts of the nose. Achieving a prominent nasal tip will match the augmented chin to create the overall symmetric appearance.
Aging can tend to cause the cheeks to have a more sunken appearance. Cheek enhancement, as part of the profile balancing treatment, works to add volume to this area with the use of advanced dermal fillers.
Profile balancing, overall, allows us to understand how the proportions of the face should appear in relation to one another to achieve complete harmony from a side profile. The use of subtle non-surgical enhancements is effective at balancing the facial anatomy to attain a more aesthetic appearance.
Below is a visual aid for you to see the impact of proportioning the facial features: